Now About Social Code
path: root/addons/third-person-camera/third_person_camera/
diff options
authorLucas Fryzek <>2023-09-17 22:00:55 -0400
committerLucas Fryzek <>2023-09-17 22:00:55 -0400
commit7bfa7fcf02124a4508dffa9d78e8ef921b86a315 (patch)
treeed800e13df324341d8d1e5cead44f95e69718869 /addons/third-person-camera/third_person_camera/
parentf2b1bba5a9fe2b0bede6792a34965987902c41aa (diff)
Setup basic player controller
Diffstat (limited to 'addons/third-person-camera/third_person_camera/')
1 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/addons/third-person-camera/third_person_camera/ b/addons/third-person-camera/third_person_camera/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a460835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/addons/third-person-camera/third_person_camera/
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+class_name ThirdPersonCamera extends Node3D
+@onready var _camera := $Camera
+@onready var _camera_rotation_pivot = $RotationPivot
+@onready var _camera_offset_pivot = $RotationPivot/OffsetPivot
+@onready var _camera_spring_arm := $RotationPivot/OffsetPivot/CameraSpringArm
+@onready var _camera_marker := $RotationPivot/OffsetPivot/CameraSpringArm/CameraMarker
+@export var distance_from_pivot := 10.0 :
+ set(value) :
+ distance_from_pivot = value
+ $RotationPivot/OffsetPivot/CameraSpringArm.spring_length = distance_from_pivot
+@export var pivot_offset := Vector2.ZERO
+@export_range(-90.0, 90.0) var initial_dive_angle_deg := -20.0 :
+ set(value) :
+ initial_dive_angle_deg = clampf(value, tilt_lower_limit_deg, tilt_upper_limit_deg)
+@export_range(-90.0, 90.0) var tilt_upper_limit_deg := 60.0
+@export_range(-90.0, 90.0) var tilt_lower_limit_deg := -60.0
+@export_range(1.0, 1000.0) var tilt_sensitiveness := 10.0
+@export_range(1.0, 1000.0) var horizontal_rotation_sensitiveness := 10.0
+@export var current : bool = false :
+ set(value) :
+ $Camera.current = value
+ current = value
+@export var mouse_follow : bool = false
+@export_range(0., 100.) var mouse_x_sensitiveness : float = 1
+@export_range(0., 100.) var mouse_y_sensitiveness : float = 1
+# Camera3D properies replication
+@export var keep_aspect : Camera3D.KeepAspect = Camera3D.KEEP_HEIGHT
+@export_flags_3d_render var cull_mask : int = 1048575
+@export var environment : Environment
+@export var attributes : CameraAttributes
+@export var doppler_tracking : Camera3D.DopplerTracking = Camera3D.DOPPLER_TRACKING_DISABLED
+@export var projection : Camera3D.ProjectionType = Camera3D.PROJECTION_PERSPECTIVE
+@export_range(1.0, 179.0, 0.1, "suffix:°") var FOV = 75.0
+@export var near := 0.05
+@export var far := 4000.0
+var camera_tilt_deg := 0.
+var camera_horizontal_rotation_deg := 0.
+func _ready():
+ _camera.top_level = true
+func _physics_process(_delta):
+ _update_camera_properties()
+ if Engine.is_editor_hint() :
+ _camera_marker.global_position = Vector3(0., 0., 1.).rotated(Vector3(1., 0., 0.), deg_to_rad(initial_dive_angle_deg)).rotated(Vector3(0., 1., 0.), deg_to_rad(-camera_horizontal_rotation_deg)) * _camera_spring_arm.spring_length + _camera_spring_arm.global_position
+ pass
+ #_camera.global_position = _camera_marker.global_position
+ tweenCameraToMarker()
+ _camera_offset_pivot.global_position = _camera_offset_pivot.get_parent().to_global(Vector3(pivot_offset.x, pivot_offset.y, 0.0))
+ _camera_rotation_pivot.global_rotation_degrees.x = initial_dive_angle_deg
+ _camera_rotation_pivot.global_position = global_position
+ _process_tilt_input()
+ _process_horizontal_rotation_input()
+ _update_camera_tilt()
+ _update_camera_horizontal_rotation()
+func tweenCameraToMarker() :
+ var tween = create_tween()
+ tween.tween_property(_camera, "global_position", _camera_marker.global_position, 0.1)
+func _process_horizontal_rotation_input() :
+ if InputMap.has_action("tp_camera_right") and InputMap.has_action("tp_camera_left") :
+ var camera_horizontal_rotation_variation = Input.get_action_strength("tp_camera_right") - Input.get_action_strength("tp_camera_left")
+ camera_horizontal_rotation_variation = camera_horizontal_rotation_variation * get_process_delta_time() * 30 * horizontal_rotation_sensitiveness
+ camera_horizontal_rotation_deg += camera_horizontal_rotation_variation
+func _process_tilt_input() :
+ if InputMap.has_action("tp_camera_up") and InputMap.has_action("tp_camera_down") :
+ var tilt_variation = Input.get_action_strength("tp_camera_up") - Input.get_action_strength("tp_camera_down")
+ tilt_variation = tilt_variation * get_process_delta_time() * 5 * tilt_sensitiveness
+ camera_tilt_deg = clamp(camera_tilt_deg + tilt_variation, tilt_lower_limit_deg - initial_dive_angle_deg, tilt_upper_limit_deg - initial_dive_angle_deg)
+func _update_camera_tilt() :
+ var tilt_final_val = clampf(initial_dive_angle_deg + camera_tilt_deg, tilt_lower_limit_deg, tilt_upper_limit_deg)
+ var tween = create_tween()
+ tween.tween_property(_camera, "global_rotation_degrees:x", tilt_final_val, 0.1)
+func _update_camera_horizontal_rotation() :
+ # TODO : inverse
+ var tween = create_tween()
+ tween.tween_property(_camera_rotation_pivot, "global_rotation_degrees:y", camera_horizontal_rotation_deg * -1, 0.1).as_relative()
+ camera_horizontal_rotation_deg = 0.0 # reset the value
+ var vect_to_offset_pivot : Vector2 = (
+ Vector2(_camera_offset_pivot.global_position.x, _camera_offset_pivot.global_position.z)
+ -
+ Vector2(_camera.global_position.x, _camera.global_position.z)
+ ).normalized()
+ _camera.global_rotation.y = -Vector2(0., -1.).angle_to(vect_to_offset_pivot.normalized())
+func _unhandled_input(event):
+ if mouse_follow and event is InputEventMouseMotion:
+ camera_horizontal_rotation_deg += event.relative.x * 0.1 * mouse_x_sensitiveness
+ camera_tilt_deg -= event.relative.y * 0.07 * mouse_y_sensitiveness
+ return
+ pass
+func _update_camera_properties() :
+ _camera.keep_aspect = keep_aspect
+ _camera.cull_mask = cull_mask
+ _camera.doppler_tracking = doppler_tracking
+ _camera.projection = projection
+ _camera.fov = FOV
+ _camera.near = near
+ _camera.far = far
+ if _camera.environment != environment :
+ _camera.environment = environment
+ if _camera.attributes != attributes :
+ _camera.attributes = attributes
+func get_camera() :
+ return $Camera
+func get_front_direction() :
+ var dir : Vector3 = _camera_offset_pivot.global_position - _camera.global_position
+ dir.y = 0.
+ dir = dir.normalized()
+ return dir
+func get_back_direction() :
+ return -get_front_direction()
+func get_left_direction() :
+ return get_front_direction().rotated(Vector3.UP, PI/2)
+func get_right_direction() :
+ return get_front_direction().rotated(Vector3.UP, -PI/2)