Now About Social Code
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mainplayer: Shrink interaction area to prevent xray interactionLucas Fryzek5 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2024-09-29player: Shrink interaction area to prevent xray interactionHEADmainLucas Fryzek
2024-09-29bsp_level_generator: Add more tiles & move tile logic to level genLucas Fryzek
2024-09-29ui: Add UI to disply ammo and info toastsLucas Fryzek
2024-09-29player,bsp_level_generator: Add lockers and interactionLucas Fryzek
2024-09-29player: Add ammo and fire rateLucas Fryzek
2024-09-26dungeon_manager: Create 3D portal model with textureLucas Fryzek
2024-09-26bsp_level_generator: Add more models and texturesLucas Fryzek
2024-09-26enemy: Add alien model with basic animationsLucas Fryzek
2024-09-26bsp_level_generator: Add special door tileLucas Fryzek
2024-09-26dungeon_manager: Add level exit, and load new levelLucas Fryzek