Now About Social Code
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mainAdd pitch control to cameraLucas Fryzek2 weeks
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2025-02-07Add pitch control to cameraHEADmainLucas Fryzek
2025-02-07Improve climbingLucas Fryzek
2025-02-05Adjust climbing so stamina only lost while movingLucas Fryzek
2023-09-25Add spinner nodeLucas Fryzek
2023-09-25Add tree seed prefabLucas Fryzek
2023-09-25Add seed object and ability to pickupLucas Fryzek
2023-09-25General cleanupLucas Fryzek
2023-09-24Only climb tagged surfacesLucas Fryzek
2023-09-24Add seed trackerLucas Fryzek
2023-09-24Add stamina barLucas Fryzek